Week 6
Holy Mary, mother of God it's an update. That's right, finally I'm all moved, and Mike and Zeina finally sent me some photos. So without further ado, let's get started.
Mike's Photos

Here we see Mike's plants. They're much taller, but hey, it's been almost a month. As we can see, I was correct about Mike being too cheap to actually buy a pole to tie his plants to. It seems he's content with his rusty railing. Hopefully tomatoes can contract tetanus.

Yes folks, that is in fact a tomato, the blog's name is finally starting to make sense. He's already got some decent size going on this one.

And here's another tomato on his second plant. He blabbered something about his first plant having one big tomato (previous photo) and this plant having two smaller ones. While he claims his hand is in the picture for perspective on size, I know it's actually because he just can't stop fondling his plants. That's a sick fetish Mike. I'll let the reader decide which definition I'm referring to.
Zeina's Photos

Remember the basil plant that was planted with plant #1? The trench plant? Come on, I made a witty assocation to the plant and warfare... Anyway it wasn't growing very quickly, so Zeina planted some basil in the pot with it, hoping to help the tomato plant grow. Obviously the basil plant has become ginormous. So has it helped the trench plant?

In a word, no. In fact, it's dead. If it weren't a plant we'd be witnessing rigor mortis. The fact that the leaves were entirely eaten off by some sort of insect (possibly a caterpillar) did not help either. At least she'll get a nice basil yield. Shortly after this picture Zeina pulled out the remaining stump, and now the only thing to see in the pot is the basil.

That's ok, at least plant #2 is still kickin. It's obviously grown as well. It's now in a new location where it gets a far greater amount of sunlight each day.

Not to be completely out done, Zeina has also achieved tomatoness. While her tomato may not be as large as Mike's just yet, she at least demonstrates she has a superior camera.
So that wraps it up for this week. Mike's plants took an early lead in growth originally but Zeina has managed to keep up a constant pace since then. Unfortunately now Mike has 2 to 1 odds of producing a better tomato than Zeina. Once again I apologize for the truancy of the posting, but trust me, you didn't miss much inbetween this post and the last. Now there are at least some tomatoes. Stay tuned for next week when we might actually start seeing a color other than green. Meanwhile I think I've achieved a personal record for number of links in one post, happy happy, joy joy!