Thursday, June 22, 2006

Where's the new post?

You may be wondering, (assuming you're even bothering to check this site anymore) why is there no posting going on? Well for starters, neither Mike, nor Zeina have given me new photos. Zeina's plants have been moved to a new domicile and upon arrival were immediately pounded by a torrent of wind and rain. This battering left her previously somewhat sheltered plants in a rather pathetic state, so she refuses to take any photos (some coercion may need to be applied) until her plants are more "perky". Mike is just bereft of any value. He claims to actually have his first tomato growing, though as of yet I have no visual proof. I suppose his lack of production will eventually be taken care of by Karma (if one believes in such a thing). Meanwhile, I'm in the process of moving across town, (both contestants get brownie points for helping) so I have been too preoccupied to verbally abuse the contestants until they produce some photographic evidence as to the state of their plants. Hopefully I'll be all set up with internet and ready to go by the end of next week, and can get back to a somewhat more stable posting schedule.

So for those of you who actually care, I apologize for the delay.


At 6/25/2006 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont mistake morbid curiosity and bordom as my "caring"...
My main question is, is it really necessary for someone to believe in Karma for it to affect them??? I find that in interesting question to ponder, and is virtually worthy of its own blog... at least it would be more interesting/active than this one.
Now, this is even worse than watching the grass grow, because with grass, at least we can see it.

At 6/26/2006 11:01 AM, Blogger deadish said...

Well maybe you should start your own blog about that topic. Or maybe one related to your grass growing joke obsession.

At 6/28/2006 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea... why don't you have a POT growing contest... then we can smoke it afterward, and see who the winner is... I would have a lot more fun watching that.

At 7/08/2006 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, hwave the weeds died or something??? Or are the just as interesting as this blog?

At 7/09/2006 12:31 AM, Blogger deadish said...

Funny, you posted this while I was working on the new post.


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