How it all began
So Mike, Zeina, and I were having lunch at our favorite (and the only) crepery in town, and Mike noticed for the 1 hundreth time that I don't like tomatoes. So he and Zeina started talking about how much they love tomatoes. Mike recalled how he used to love to grow his own as they're much better than store variety. So Zeina said she felt like growing her own tomatoes and Mike said he did as well, so Zeina said "Oh, we should have a contest!". Mike agreed, mentioning how he was going to completely school Zeina, and I said I should make a blog as this was the best idea I could come up with for a blog. We later agreed that the loser of the contest must cook a dinner of the winner's choosing using the winner's tomatoes. So in the end everyone will be a winner... except for the guy who hates tomatoes.
You are all a load of useless bloody lunies. I hope that you are selected for the "B" arc. If there is a revolution, be weary, as you will certainly be the first against the wall.
P.S. Raw tomatos SUCK. Things made with Tomoato (ie pizza sauce, and liquified water balloons) are cool.
I don't know about that, but one thing for sure: YOU are not cool
I would take it, but you have already inserted them rectally...
Well feel free to suck'em out.
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