Friday, June 02, 2006

Week 1 and a little bit over

Ok, so this post is a bit late. I'm sorry, I just haven't fully dedicated my life to vegetation yet. Anyway, enough about be, on to the photos.

Mike's Pics:
Here's Mike's first picture showing both plants. There's an obvious improvement here from last week. I'd like to tell you more about Mike's technique, but he's too busy being smug.

Plant #1, formerly known as droopy has now risen for the occasion. Mike's got some definite height going on.

Plant #2, more of the same but shifted to the right. Could this affect anything?! I doubt it.

Zeina's Pics:
The side by side by side shot. There has been some basil added. Will it help or just make things smell nice?

You all remember plant #1. The trench fighter. It's hard to tell, especially compared to the mighty basil plant in the pot with it, but it has grown some. You'll have to compare the level of the dirt from this picture and last week's post. It's still a bit pathetic looking though. Anyway at least there will be less mosquitoes.

Here's plant #2. While not as tall as Mike's plants it appears a bit bushier. Whatever that means. Zeina was originally going to plant basil in this pot as well but decided there wasn't room, hence the happy little pot from the first picture.

So that's it for week 1. Personally, I'm a bit sad nothing died. Perhaps I'll plant a black walnut tree to celebrate how well everything's going.

I think I'll start doing weekly updates on Friday's now since that's when most people are reading blogs instead of working. Also it gives a measure to readers to know how much they should be complaining.


At 6/06/2006 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, this is only slightly more interesting than watching the grass grow... In fact, it's exactly like that... weeeeeeeee.

At 6/08/2006 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... checking the vote stats, Zeina may have had the early lead, but I think this week's pictures have pushed it over the top... Mike has now closed a decided gap, and the two are TIED. Not sure which is worse... this blog, or the fact that I actually know the "Score" for the past 2 weeks...

At 12/22/2009 9:31 PM, Anonymous natural vegetable garden said...

Does anyone plant 80% of the tomato plant in the dirt for extra support?If so, have you had success?


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